
Page Details

Page author: Luke Burns

This page created on: 31/08/2021

Last modified: 31/08/2021


Are you passionate about sharing your knowledge of religious traditions? We need your help to make religious literacy more accessible!

The 2024 OCRS survey is extended! Hurray! You can access it here:


Are you passionate about sharing your knowledge of religious traditions? We need your help to make religious literacy more accessible!

We’re looking for article writers, proof readers, and bug hunters.

Article writing

Potential topics

At the moment we’re open to any articles on pretty much any religious topic that you’re interested in writing about - from academic theories and biographies of scholars, to explanation of religious concepts, language, practices, etc.

You could also expand an already existing page if you feel like it’s missing content (many of our articles probably fall into this category!).

It’s worth getting in touch before committing to any content to make sure it’s something we’d be able to use.


There aren’t any strict rules here - articles should be as long as they need to be, but somewhere between 200 and 2000 words is probably the right ballpark.


The style should be conversational, informative, and neutral - as the site is an academic resource we’re not trying to argue for the truth (or untruth) of any particular subject, just to present the facts.

Smaller paragraphs and frequent headings are helpful for improving readability.

Where possible, references should be included so that a wide audience can understand the topic.

You’re welcome (even encouraged!) to include images and videos, or provide links to further reading elsewhere online.

The site is made available under a creative commons license - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) - which means that anything posted can be shared and remixed by anyone, provided they provide attribution back to the original source.

Naturally you’d be credited in-page for any articles you write, and you’d be free to post the same material elsewhere under the terms of the copyright licence.

Submitting your work

If you have something you’d like to share the easiest way to get it to us is by email (, but you could also share a Google Doc, a link to Github repo, or really anything - it’s the 21st century, go nuts.

If you know how to write using Markdown, that would be ideal, but to be honest any text format is fine.

We might have to do a bit of editorial work on anything you submit, just to make sure everything is in line with the rest of the site.

Proof reading and bug hunting

A lot of the articles on the site at the moment are either placeholders or in need of review, so if you would prefer a more editorial role you could point out errors, typos, or stylistic issues - each page has a ‘report’ button at the bottom of the screen you can use to quickly send a response if you notice something amiss.

If you’re more into the technical side of things and you find a dodgy link, badly formatted code, or something else unusual please let us know.


Unfortunately we cannot pay for any work that you submit or offer - the site does not generate any income and is produced on a volunteer basis.

Getting in touch

We’d love to hear from you! You can reach us by email at, or if you prefer you can use the form below.

Register for updates

Support the site

If you find the resources on this site helpful, please consider a small donation - it makes a big difference! You can also share your thoughts and suggestions, which are always welcome.

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