Dimitris Xygalatas

Page Details

Page author: Luke Burns

This page created on: 23/02/2020

Last modified: 23/02/2020


An anthropologist and cognitive scientist studying ritual and cooperation.

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I am an anthropologist and cognitive scientist studying ritual, cooperation, and some of the things that make us human.

After receiving my PhD from the Institute of Cognition and Culture at Queen’s University Belfast, I held positions at the universities of Princeton, Aarhus, and Masaryk, where I served as Director of the Laboratory for the Experimental Research of Religion (LEVYNA). In 2014, I joined the University of Connecticut, where I direct the Experimental Anthropology Lab.

For my research, I combine scientific methods and technologies with ethnographic fieldwork. I have conducted several years of field work in Southern Europe and Mauritius, studying the psychological and social effects of extreme rituals and developing a methodology for studying such rituals experimentally in their natural context.

Before becoming a full-time academic, I worked as a translator, photographer, and book editor (and of course a waiter).


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