A Report on the State of Hinduism in Religious Education in UK Schools

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This page created on: 23/01/2021

Last modified: 23/01/2021

Source Details

Author(s): Insight UK

Original published in: 2021

Published by: Insight UK


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In 2020, INSIGHT UK conducted a project with a team comprised of highly experienced members of the Hindu community, amongst which are well known academics, including professors and teachers. The project goal was to assess the current state of Hinduism in RE in UK schools and recommend changes to improve it.

This project was supported by Hindu Council UK, Hindu Forum of Britain, Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (UK), National Council of Hindu Temples UK and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (UK).


You can access the report here: https://insightuk.org/hinduism-in-re

And via a direct link here: https://insightuk.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Hinduism-in-RE_Project-report.pdf

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